
where i learned more about cooking.
二、关于烹饪的英文动词?fry 英 [fraɪ] 美 [fraɪ] n. 鱼苗,鱼秧; 弗赖伊(姓氏); 油炸食物; (口语)烦恼,愤激 vi. 油炸; 用油煎; 用油炸烤炒 vt. 油炸; 油煎; (美俚)使被处电刑; 瓦解 cook 英 [kʊk] 美 [kʊk] vt.& vi. 烹调; 编造; 篡改; 密谋 vt. 煮; 烹调 vi. 烹调; 做菜 n. 厨师; 厨子
三、关于烹饪的英语作文?cooking refers to the art of diet,which is a complex and regular process of converting ingredients into food.
"cooking" means cooking,and "cooking" means cooking.
processing food raw materials to make them color,smell,taste,shape,quality and nutrition.
her hobby is cooking.
her hobby is cooking.
七、关于烹饪方法的英文单词?culinaryarts烹饪术 culinary烹饪的 cookery烹调法 cuisine菜色 boiled(用水)煮的 roasted烤的(如肉类)
broiled烧烤 braisedwithsoysauce红烧的 shallow-fried煎的 deep-fried炒的 stir-fried炸的 stewed炖的 simmered文火炖的,煨的 scalded嫩煮的 toasted烤的( grilled铁扒烤的 baked烘的 braised焖 well-done熟透的 underdone半生不熟的 burnt烧焦了的 carved切好的 ground磨碎的
cuisine 英 [kwɪˈzi:n] 美 [kwɪˈzin] n.菜肴;烹饪,烹调法 词汇难度:高考 / ielts / tem4 / tem8 / gre / toeic 复数: cuisines 双语例句 the cuisine of japan is low in fat. 日式烹饪的特点是低脂肪。
the dining room has lakeside views and offers excellent cuisine 在那家饭店用餐能欣赏到湖边景色,而且那里饭菜也是美味佳肴。九、妈妈爱烹饪英语作文?my mother is a cook.she likes cooking very much.she will cook many different types of courses for us,such as fish,chicken,beef and so on.
十、关于英文押韵的英文作文?ancient prose movement in tang dynasty,was called "han liu". liu yuxi and said,liu liu ". wang wei,meng haoran,and wang mengwei and wei yingwu "liu". liu zongyuan left more than 600 works in prose and verse. his philosophy is simpleadventures as a clue,narrate the experience the journey of knowledge and natural landscape,almost half of the space to express him demoted by yongzhou after natural travel when chujingshengqing feeling,which naturally the two sections

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