
二、烹饪用英语怎么说?烹调方式 cooking method 说明: cooking /ˈkʊkɪŋ/ the process of preparing food 烹饪;烹调 例句: my husband does all the cooking. 我丈夫把做饭全包了下来。a book on indian cooking 一本关于印度烹饪的书
三、烹饪的英语怎么说?不要cook?culinary arts烹饪术 culinary (adj )厨房的; 烹饪的,烹调用的 cookery (n )烹调法 cuisine (n )菜肴、烹饪
四、英语食物过期怎么说?the food has expired the best-before date.best before 就是指包装上:在此日期前 的字样,过期实际上是指过了这个日子
五、吃的食物用英语怎么说?there is too much food and we can't finish it.
there are too many foods and we can't finish them all.
六、可口的食物用英语怎么说?有营养又美味的食物,英语是:nutritious and delicious food.详细解释:nutritious 英[njuˈtrɪʃəs] 美[nuˈtrɪʃəs] adj. 有营养的,滋养的; [例句]it is always important to choose enjoyable,nutritious foods选择好吃的、营养价值高的食物总是很重要。delicious 英[dɪˈlɪʃəs] 美[dɪˈlɪʃəs] adj. 美味的,可口的; 有趣的; 喷香; [例句]there's always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from总是有很多美味可口的饭菜可供选择。food 英[fu:d] 美[fud] n. 粮食; 食物,食品; 养料; 资料; [例句]enjoy your food.用餐愉快。
七、英语中油炸食物怎么说?烧饼 clay oven rolls油条 fried bread stick请给两块油炸猪肉 two pork cutlets,please. 夹有苹果片的油炸馅饼 fritter containing sliced apple. 脆的、油炸的马铃薯皮 crisp fried potato peeling.油炸的玉米面包球(南方)
deep-fried cornbread ball (southern
1. food poisoning
2. ptomaine poisoning relative explainations: examples: 1. 食物中毒可导致亡. food poisoning can cause death. 2. 肠毒素由只限于肠结胸的细菌而产生的毒素,引起呕吐和腹泻并导致食物中毒 a toxin produced by bacteria that is specific for intestinal cells and causes the vomiting and diarrhea associated with food poisoning.
3. 那一回食物中毒已使我一辈子不食牡蛎了。that bout of food poisoning has turned me off oysters for life!
4. 我吃得太多了而一天没去上班,但我却言过其实地对他说我食物中毒了。i ate too much and had a day off work but i piled it on thick and told them i had food poisoning.
九、两盒糖果英语和为她烹饪好吃的食物的英语?您好,翻译为 two. box. of..candies. and..cook..delicious. food..for. her. 希望帮到你
十、做美味的食物用英语怎么说?个人同意一楼,但个人认为不需要加thecook delicious food

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原文地址: 厨师给人们烹饪食物的英语? 发布于2024-07-27 10:43:00
